Friday, February 12, 2010

Fellow Twirds....

As some of you know, I am a Twird AKA a Twilight nerd. I just found out that New Moon is coming out on DVD in March!!!! And.......if that wasn't exciting enough for you, they are releasing an Ultimate Fan DVD. Due to the fact that I am an ultimate fan, I will be purchasing this. I love these movies.....HARD!!! I am like a teenage girl again when it comes to them, seriously. My 12 year old niece and I already have a date to see Eclipse when it comes out at midnight on June 20th for our birthdays. I cant fucking wait. I wish I could be put into a temporary coma until it comes out. Hmmm I should check into this. But anyhoo... I have already read all four books in the saga and I am about to have to start reading Eclipse again. You know, just to get ready for the movie. God I am such a dork. Later Twirds.
Until next time......

1 comment:

BNM said...

LMAO!!! I love those movies too!!! However, I always end up watching the bootleg on the internet.. I would love to see Edward's awesomness on the big screen... or my flat screen will work .. gotta go buy them DVDS!